Aortic Care

我们的专家有几十年的经验提供先进的治疗主动脉疾病. 我们进行各种类型的血管内和主动脉瓣修复手术.

Aortic valve
Aortic Image

Why choose UCLA Health for aortic care?

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康主动脉中心是公认的主动脉护理卓越中心. Patients from all over the world come to us for our expertise. 我们的专家有几十年治疗主动脉疾病的经验. 我们不仅使用最新的技术——在很多情况下,我们还帮助开发了这些技术.

Additional highlights of the Aortic Center include:

Treatment from leading experts: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康主动脉中心的专家在治疗主动脉疾病方面取得了一些最重大的突破. For example, we helped develop a surgery called hybrid repair. 我们做了国内第一批微创修复手术. We are also one of only a few centers in the U.S. 这为主动脉弯曲处的凸起(主动脉弓动脉瘤)提供了高度专业化的微创手术。.

Patient-centered, convenient care: Our specialists create personalized treatment plans. 我们专注于生活方式的改变以及医疗管理的综合护理方法. With on-site advanced imaging, we can coordinate your full medical evaluation efficiently, often in a single office visit. 

Team approach: Our care team includes specialists in cardiac surgery, vascular surgery, anesthesiology, cardiology and radiology. 这种协调的方法使我们能够提供全面的诊断和全面的治疗计划.

Minimally invasive techniques: We can use a minimally invasive approach for most aortic problems, meaning fewer patients need open surgery. 这些治疗也意味着更少的痛苦,更快的恢复和更短的住院时间.

Aortic conditions we treat

主动脉是人体最大的动脉,负责将富含氧气的血液输送到全身. 影响主动脉的情况会导致危及生命的并发症. The UCLA Health Aortic Center is world-renowned for the diagnosis, evaluation and treatment of all types of aortic diseases.

In particular, we specialize in the treatment of:

Aortic aneurysms: 主动脉不规则隆起,可撕裂动脉壁(夹层)或破裂。

Aortic dissections: 主动脉壁撕裂,导致血液泄漏,可能危及生命

Aortic occlusive disease: Blocked blood flow in the aorta

Aortic valve disease: 心脏泵腔(左心室)和主动脉之间的瓣膜不能正常工作的一种情况

  • Aortic regurgitation: When the aortic valve doesn’t close properly, 导致血液从主动脉回流到左心室 
  • Aortic stenosis: When the aortic valve narrows, restricting proper blood flow 

Traumatic aortic injuries: Injuries that cause a puncture, tear or bruise on the aorta, 常因机动车事故或枪伤而发生

Additional conditions we treat include:

Aortic arch aneurysms: Irregular bulges in the bend of the aorta (aortic arch)

Aortitis: Inflammation in the aorta

Bicuspid aortic valve: 主动脉瓣只有两个瓣,而不是通常的三个瓣, often leading to valve narrowing (stenosis)

Marfan syndrome: 一种影响结缔组织的遗传性疾病,常导致主动脉瘤

Tests & procedures we offer


Advanced imaging

Accurate diagnosis starts with advanced imaging. At the UCLA Health Aortic Center, 我们使用最先进的技术,在检测主动脉疾病方面提供无与伦比的精确度. Imaging options include:

Angiography: 医生用一根柔软的小导管将造影剂送入冠状动脉. With X-rays, 医生可以通过动脉和主动脉追踪造影剂的流动来检测阻塞.

CT scan: 这些测试使用电脑和低剂量的辐射来获取主动脉的可靠图像. 我们也可以结合CT扫描和造影剂来获得更高分辨率的主动脉图像. 

Dual-source CT scan: 我们是国内最早拥有双源128层CT扫描成像设备的中心之一. 这台机器使我们能够快速捕获详细的图像,大大减少了辐射剂量.

Duplex ultrasound: 这个测试结合了传统的声波技术和多普勒超声. Using an ultrasound wand on the outside of the chest, 医生跟踪血液流经主动脉的运动和速度.

Intravascular ultrasound (IVUS): With IVUS, 医生在动脉内放置超声设备,从内到外检查主动脉. 这使我们能够看到主动脉溃疡、动脉瘤或夹层的高清图像.

MRI: 这种非侵入性扫描使用强大的磁铁和无线电波来获得非常详细的图像. 我们使用先进的MRI技术来评估主动脉和分支血管的血流.

Nuclear perfusion imaging: 这项测试使医生能够比较心脏在休息和压力下的表现. 该测试包括将一种安全的放射性示踪剂注射到患者的血液中, then using imaging to view how and where the tracer travels.

Minimally invasive treatment for aortic disease

我们的专家提供全方位的微创治疗, many of which were developed in our operating rooms. We perform:

Endovascular aortic repair (EVAR): 外科医生使用EVAR通过在主动脉受损部分放置一个小的网状管(支架)来治疗腹主动脉瘤. 外科医生将一根细管(导管)通过腹股沟的小切口插入动脉,置入支架.

Fenestrated endovascular aortic repair (FEVAR): 当从腹主动脉(肾动脉)分支到肾脏的血管发生动脉瘤或夹层时,外科医生使用FEVAR. 开窗支架移植物的孔与这些动脉排列在一起. The holes allow blood to flow to the kidneys and other organs.

Hybrid repair: 这个两阶段的手术结合了微创开放手术和血管内入路. The surgeon uses open surgery to restore blood flow, and then uses a minimally invasive approach to repair the aorta. 医生会对那些高风险的病人进行这种手术,而传统的开放式手术是行不通的.

Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR): TAVR replaces an aortic valve with severe stenosis. 外科医生将一根细管(导管)插入腹股沟的动脉,并通过导管植入瓣膜. 

Meet our team

我们的血管外科医生和心胸外科医生在主动脉疾病治疗方面处于领先地位. 我们在执行最新的微创血管内技术方面的专业知识而闻名. In many cases, we even helped develop them.

Contact us

Call 310-206-6294 请求预约UCLA健康中心的主动脉专家.

Find your care

Our specialists are experts in treating aortic disease. To learn more about our services, call 310-206-6294.